Jackson Burns, Owner & Artisan

I started making wooden things as a teenager & was surprised when people, even grownups, wanted to buy my creations.  I wasn't able to make many things during my 20s though, because I took a "vacation" to serve in the United States Army.  When my vacation was over, I worked at traditional jobs while experimenting with different ideas & honing my woodworking skills.  I spent years developing my octagonal mugs before I was happy with the finished product & the process.   During this time I discovered that my mugs are particularly popular with the Renaissance Faire crowd. So if you attend one, you'll probably see my mugs hanging off someone's belt... heck, you may even see me. 

About 12 years ago, after being repeatedly asked what the name of my company was, I came up with Old Bear Creek, and started offering my creations through a popular e-commerce store. Fast forward to 2019, a pandemic was the catalyst for making a huge change in my life.  I bought a school bus "Skoolie" to live in, a trailer to make into my mobile workshop, sold almost everything I owned, and in the words of my favorite author... 

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived"

-Henry David Thoreau

Now I travel around the country following good weather, to do what I love...creating beautiful & functional wooden pieces for folks like you, to be used & enjoyed every day.  The fact that I make everything out of my mobile workshop overlooking lakes, forests, deserts & mountains makes my work all the more enjoyable.  One other thing that has made life all the sweeter is having "My Beth" join me in this crazy nomadic life of mine.